22 Wildlife Photographers That Work Wonders

There are so many amazing nature photographers out there nowadays, and it is easy to miss some of the truly great photographers because of it. This list will hopefully give you some new and incredible wildlife photographers to follow. Be sure to start following them all.
Don’t forget to share this page and spread their work further!
1. Thomas Mangelsen
Originally from Nebraska, Thomas has always loved the outdoors. His work has been widely published and for good reason!
The bears are out in Grand Teton National Park! Several bears have been seen in the past couple weeks, including 399 and…
Posted by Thomas Mangelsen on Tuesday, 14 April 2015
2. Mac Stone
Mac, from the USA, spends a lot of time photographing a very special kind of habitat: swamps. He documents the wildlife there in the hope of raising its profile and showing how important they are to preserve.
Once she warmed up to me, this pretty little gal started showing off her beautiful markings. As I write this, tree frogs…
Posted by Mac Stone Photography on Saturday, 11 April 2015
3. David Hemmings
A great photographer to follow for beautiful wildlife photos – from polar bears to humming birds!
Posted by David Hemmings on Wednesday, 1 April 2015
4. Markus Varesvuo
Hailing from Finland, Markus’ photos tend to feature animals – and snow! They are truly stunning.
Look at me! I can stand on one wing!Katsokaa! Osaan seisoa yhdellä siivellä!Canon 1D X, 600mm f4.0 II, 1/3200sec, f4.0, ISO3200Thanks to Eero Kemilä!
Posted by Markus Varesvuo on Wednesday, 8 April 2015
5. John E. Marriott
John shares fantastic photos of wildlife from Canada. What a wonderful part of the world to live in!
Great news on the Chilcotin grizzly bear front as First Nations leaders come out strongly against the hunt on their lands: http://www.vancouverobserver.com/news/tsilhqot-call-grizzly-hunt-illegal-video
Posted by John E. Marriott Wildlife and Nature Photography on Tuesday, 14 April 2015
6. Roy Mangersnes
As a guide for a photography tour company, Roy gets to travel around the world for his wildlife photography.
On our latest WildPhoto Travel expeditions to Antarctica, one of the most entertaining creatures we encountered where…
Posted by Roy Mangersnes WildPhoto on Tuesday, 16 December 2014
7. Isak Pretorius
Isak is a renowned photographer from South Africa. His photos really are one of a kind!
Cheetah, Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya1/800 sec at f/8, ISO 1000 | Canon EOS-1D Mark IV + EF600mm f/4L IS USM + 1.4x | Aperture priority, 0 EV
Posted by Isak Pretorius Wildlife Photography on Tuesday, 7 April 2015
8. Sergey Gorshkov
Sergey is a Russian wildlife photographer, and spends a lot of his time in the colder parts of the world.
Wrangel Island. My favorite photo. Arctic fox and the snow goose.
Posted by SERGEY GORSHKOV-PHOTOGRAPHER on Tuesday, 17 March 2015
9. Elliott Neep
British wildlife photographer Elliott Neep brings photos back from around the world, from the Arctic to Africa!
Thought we’d stay with the wintry theme! Although, technically, it’s a summer theme for these guys. Wow, are these…
Posted by Elliott Neep Wildlife Photography (ENWP) on Wednesday, 10 December 2014
10. Sudhir Shivaram
Sudhir is a popular Indian wildlife photographer. His images are very special, and is definitely worth following!
Brown Fish Owls – BRT Tiger Reserve=============================The Brown Fish Owls are very photogenic and difficult…
Posted by Sudhir Shivaram Nature & Wildlife Photography on Monday, 13 April 2015
11. Roeselien Raimond
Roeselien shares some very “cutesy” photos of wildlife. Beautiful work!
Yay, “Zen Fox” chosen as one of Top 10 Best of 2014 Animal Photos @ 500px!…
Posted by Roeselien Raimond Photography on Sunday, 21 December 2014
12. Jeroen Stel
Fantastic photography by Jeroen – a wildlife photographer from the Netherlands.
And after digging…comes preening…
Posted by Jeroen Stel on Monday, 9 March 2015
13. Yossi Eshbol
Israeli photographer Yossi Eshbol shares photos from a part of the world that most of us never get to see.
Early in the morning. Pelicans resting. Agamon Hula. Israel, 12/9/2014
Posted by Yossi Eshbol on Friday, 19 September 2014
14. David J. Marshak
David shares a lot of brilliant images from South Africa – something he specialises in.
“Africa”There was no other title for this image. There are no two better icons for this continent which has found its…
Posted by David J. Marshak Wildlife Photography on Sunday, 5 April 2015
15. Tin Man
Tin travels the world for beautiful wildlife photography opportunities!
The Queen of Madison River, Yellowstone National Park, doing an acrobatic move as she jumped to a log in the river. I…
Posted by Tin Man Photography on Monday, 23 February 2015
16. David Lloyd
David is renowned for his photos from Africa.
This is one from four years ago, in April 2011. We’d seen a little leopard cub high in a tree one day, then we…
Posted by David Lloyd Wildlife Photography on Monday, 6 April 2015
17. Christopher Dodds
Another example of pure photographic class – Christopher is someone who really knows how to use light in his photos!
Bald Eagle – Alaska.Still limited space for this epic workshop: http://bit.ly/Y27i51
Posted by Christopher Dodds Nature Photographer on Monday, 4 August 2014
18. Austin Thomas
UK photographer Austin Thomas always seems to capture birds that choose to run; not fly.
Phew…What a busy day.Totally run off my feet and in need of some sleep… Until tomorrow.
Posted by Austin Thomas on Monday, 2 December 2013
19. Rathika Ramasamy
Another great talent from India, Rathika’s photos give us a glimpse of Asian wildlife.
Territorial fight of Oriental darter (Anhinga melanogaster) taken this week@Keoladeo National Park,Bharatpur, Rajasthan Exif: Nikon D4S,Nikkor AF-S 800mm F/5.6G ED VR,1/1000s f/7.1 at 800.0mm iso640
Posted by RATHIKA RAMASAMY PHOTOGRAPHY on Thursday, 18 December 2014
20. Carole Deschuymere
Carole’s photos are equally deserving to be on this list, and she adds her own unique touch to South African wildlife.
Early morning in Nxai Pans, honeymoon couple by the waterhole. #NxaiPans #botswana #canon #wildlife #lion #wildography
Posted by Carole Deschuymere – Wildlife Photographer on Saturday, 18 April 2015
21. Jayanth Sharma
Jayanth travels the world extensively, bringing back photos from many different countries. Both on land and underwater, his photos excel.
“Wow – nice photo, was it like this or did you edit it?” “Is it photo-shopped?” These are common questions…
Posted by Jayanth Sharma on Wednesday, 26 February 2014
22. Arnfinn Johansen
Arnfinn’s photos are breathtaking. Definitely make sure you are following this talent!
FIGHTING TOPIS BEFORE SUNRISEPhotographed in Maasai Mara in March 2015. Nikon D4s, Nikkor 400/2.8 VR II, 1/500 sec at f/3.2. ISO 450.
Posted by Arnfinn Johansen Wildlife Photography on Monday, 6 April 2015