12 of the Best Cheat Sheets & Infographics for Photographers

Cheat sheets are a fantastic way to learn something, or refresh your memory, quickly. They’re visually stimulating and fun to read. They’re particularly useful for conveying a lot of information in as few words as possible – take understanding your camera as an example!
We’ve compiled a list of the best cheatsheets, infographics and instructions for you to enjoy. Remember to click each image to see the whole thing, and bookmark this page so you can get back to it!

1. Photography 101 – Cheat Sheet & Camera Basics
2. What is a macro lens? Magnification and minimum focus distance explained
(Click the image to see full size)
3. Guide to Manual Mode Magic
(Click the image to download PDF version)
4. Photography Basics: Metering and Exposure
(Click the image to see the full view)
5. Manual Photography Cheat Sheet
6. Photoshop CS6 Shortcuts
(Click the image for a larger view)
7. Low Light Photography Tips
8. Using Nikon Metering Modes
9. 3 Ways to Affect Depth of Field
(Click the image for a larger view)
10. What is Colour Temperature?
11. How to Read a Histogram
12. Nikon vs Canon Shooting Modes
Hopefully you’ve found those cheat sheets and infographics useful – there are some great tips there.