16 Inspiring Wildlife Photographers You Should Follow on Twitter

Twitter is a great platform to see what goes on “behind the scenes” for a photographer. We’ve compiled a list of the wildlife photographers we think you really should be following on Twitter, not only for their great images but the fantastic insight they provide into their work. So, without further ado and in no particular order…
1. Charlie Hamilton-James
As a wildlife photographer and BBC filmmaker, Charlie’s tweets give you a unique look at wildlife from all around the world.
Just got followed by a bear while photographing cutthroat trout for @NatGeoMag – he ran at us – Drew Rush clapped him and he ran off.— CharlieHamiltonJames (@chamiltonjames) June 26, 2014
2. Richard Peters
Richard is a UK wildlife photographer who posts, alongside his great images, some excellent information about the technical side to photography.
Today new Firmware updates for the Nikon D800 and D800E made available here: https://t.co/GsRZIHmcUJ — Richard Peters (@RichardpPhoto) May 13, 2014
3. Greg du Toit
Winner of BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013, Greg’s images of South African wildlife cannot be missed!
Slow shutter speeds and low light levels create dramatic mood-filled images that convey a sense of movement and soul. pic.twitter.com/oDq9xDI88N
— gregdutoit (@gregdutoit) April 23, 2014
4. Mark Hamblin
Another of the Nature TTL contributors, Mark Hamblin, posts fantastic images of Scottish wildlife.
Golden Eagles raise two chicks on the Glen Tanar Estate in NE #Scotland pic.twitter.com/Qmtjr7oQPx
— Mark Hamblin (@markhamblin) July 4, 2014
5. Jess Findlay
Canadian nature photographer Jess hikes far into the mountains to bring back incredible images.
Canoe, hike, boat, bus, plane, bus, taxi, plane, plane, plane, car, bed.
— Jess Findlay (@jfindlayphoto) February 8, 2014
6. Connor Stefanison
A close friend of Jess Findlay’s, Connor is also from Canada and posts equally beautiful images.
Here’s an image I took of Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone NP, this past New Year’s Day! pic.twitter.com/kbjkLZC8
— Connor Stefanison (@ConnorStefPhoto) January 21, 2012
7. Paul Nicklen
Paul provides an insight into life in the Arctic. His images have won countless awards, and photographs for National Geographic.
This photo was taken @50 ft deep. Where was it was taken? * Answer on FB at the end of the day #thephotosociety #natgeo pic.twitter.com/y45zEER6
— Paul Nicklen (@PaulNicklen) September 4, 2012
8. Peter Cairns
Scottish wildlife photographer Peter Cairns tweets from life in the famous Cairngorms.
I believe this is my first selfie! Horrible and windy. So is the weather! pic.twitter.com/xBus0sfDGK
— Peter Cairns (@northshots) April 22, 2014
9. Will Burrard-Lucas
Creator of the famous Beetlecam, Will shows how he gets images from right in-front of the noses of some of Africa’s big cats.
A pic showing some of the gear I typically travel with. Item descriptions here: https://t.co/FqH06mgQVL pic.twitter.com/CCcf5wIs0c
— Will Burrard-Lucas (@willbl) June 12, 2014
10. Gavin Thurston
BBC filmmaker Gavin Thurston is constantly hopping between many different countries. His (sometimes) humorous tweets give you a laugh a day!
Is Buddha ticklish? pic.twitter.com/CDOyP8GecU
— Gavin Thurston (@GavinThurston) May 8, 2014
11. Neil Aldridge
Devoted conservationist and photographer Neil tweets about many issues facing the environment.
#Nature‘s greatest wonder…how #bees can be central to the survival of life on earth but can’t find their way out of an open window
— Neil Aldridge (@AldridgePhoto) May 4, 2014
12. Morkel Erasmus
Morkel posts images and information about issues facing South African wildlife.
It’s not just Africa’s rhinos and elephants that are under threat due the insatiable demand for wild animal parts… http://t.co/UePZYqiQiW
— Morkel Erasmus (@Lekrom) June 17, 2014
13. Rebecca Jackrel
American photographer Rebecca recently spent some time photographing and studying the rare Ethiopian Wolf.
More research and editing for the #ethiopianwolfproject upcoming book @ewproject #photography #wildlife #con http://t.co/t8VdOKE0
— Rebecca Jackrel (@RebeccaJackrel) July 31, 2012
14. Chris Packham
BBC presenter and wildlife photographer Chris Packham is passionate about the natural world, and recently travelled to Malta to lead an effort against the illegal persecution of birds.
If you’re sick of having our complement of UK birds compromised by illegal persecution then please sign this http://t.co/4HxTEA91rv
— Chris Packham (@ChrisGPackham) July 3, 2014
15. Richard Shucksmith
Richard gives us a rare glimpse into the underwater world.
Diving Norway #diving #Norway #marinelife pic.twitter.com/3exxnH9z50
— Richard Shucksmith (@ImagesEcology) June 30, 2014
16. Jamie Hall
Jamie takes great images of urban wildlife. He often posts shots taken from a unique angle.
#cameratrap #fox #wild #photography A camera trap image from today – 1 of 23 images. http://t.co/kU2OBDG1dO pic.twitter.com/gUzxAmUoIT
— Jamie Hall (@jamiehallphoto) June 27, 2014
Feel free to share your favourite photographers on Twitter in the comments below! Remember, you can follow @NatureTTL on Twitter too.