5 Ideas for Wildlife Photography in Summer

With summer just around the corner for those in the northern hemisphere, I thought that we should take a look back at some of our previous articles to give you some photographic inspiration this season. With lots of us having some free time over the next few months and the sun (hopefully) making an appearance, this is the perfect opportunity to get out with your camera.
#1 Butterflies
You’ve probably already seen them emerging, but butterflies make for great photographic subjects at this time of year. There are so many different species, with a huge variety between different countries.

You’ll need to practise your macro technique, as well as your butterfly stalking efforts. They can be very easy to disturb so photography can be challenging, but a good macro image often makes a person say ‘wow’.
Learn “How to Photograph Butterflies” with our tutorial.

#2 Foxes & Badgers
In summer, foxes and other burrowing mammals are appearing with their young. Fox cubs can be seen playing in fields and it’s possible to capture interactions between siblings, such as play fighting and other behaviours. Foxes are a great subject and accessible for many people due to the fact they live in both rural and urban environments. You may be lucky enough to have them in your garden, but if not then keep your eyes peeled whilst driving around rural areas and you may just spot some resting in the sun outside the den entrance.
A little more challenging, badgers and their young can be seen in the evenings as the nights grow shorter.
Read more about “How to Photograph Foxes” or “How to Find and Photograph Badgers“.
#3 Wildflowers
Wildflowers are making an appearance throughout summer in pretty much every meadow and roadside verge. The mixes of colours and different shapes can make for a variety of gorgeous images with interesting bokehs. It’s the perfect opportunity to practise something a little different, as flower photography is something that few people engage in compared to other disciplines of nature photography.
Read more about our “Ideas for Photographing Wildflowers“.
#4 Dolphins
From May until September, the famous Chanonry Point in Scotland becomes a hotspot with photographers and wildlife enthusiasts looking to watch dolphins from the sure. The dolphins come extremely close at times, within 5 metres or so, and it really is an incredible spectacle.
If you’re lucky, you may even see them breaching and leaping from the water in front of you. Why are they say close? They’re following the salmon, and you’ll see them catch and crunch down on huge fish, too. It’s a unique experience and one that shouldn’t be missed if you are able to make the trip.
Read more about “How to Photograph Dolphins“.
#5 Puffins
We couldn’t do a wildlife photography countdown for summer without mentioning this popular seabird. I wouldn’t be surprised if puffins weren’t the most photographed animal in the UK at this time of year. The Farne Islands is just one of a number of places you can see what is nicknamed the ‘sea clown’, due to its brightly coloured beak.
There are plenty of other seabirds on offer too. Gannets, guillemots, razorbills, shags… the list goes on. In fact, if you’ve never spent time photographing seabirds in the summer before, then make this the year you do it. It’s fantastic, endless fun and you’ll come away with some fantastic images.
Read more about “How to Photograph Seabirds“, including some great locations.
Go Somewhere New
Stuck for wildlife photography locations? Then have a read of our “Top 10 Wildlife Photography Locations in the UK” to try something new. Have a great summer!