WATCH: How to Make a DSLR Camera Trap Housing

Looking to make your own DSLR camera trap housing? You’ve come to the right place. Camera trapping is an increasingly popular technique, and it’s rather addictive too. The ability to leave your DSLR camera out for days or weeks at a time, watching and waiting 24 hours a day, has revolutionised the wildlife photography field. Now it is possible to take photos of rare animals, such as jaguars or leopards, at night. But it doesn’t need to be a big cat, as camera trapping can be used even in your own back garden with the likes of foxes and badgers.

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Will Nicholls is the founder of Nature TTL and a professional wildlife photographer and film-maker from England. Will now works in natural history television as a wildlife camera operator for the likes of Netflix, AppleTV+, and other services.