DSLR or Mirrorless: What’s the Difference?

If you are looking to buy a new camera system, it’s highly likely that you may have looked at a CSC system (Compact System Cameras are often referred to as mirrorless cameras). Mirrorless cameras are definitely the new kids on the block but, as technology advances, they are starting to become very popular with both consumer and professional photographers and are now starting to encroach on the traditional DSLR market. The question is do they live up to all of the hype? Can a mirrorless system really compete with a DSLR?
I have been using a mirrorless camera alongside my Canon DSLR for over 4 years, with a brief spell of shooting exclusively on a CSC camera. The reality is that both the new CSC and the traditional DSLR have their own pros and cons. The real question is what is the best fit for you and the way that you take your photos.
The Viewfinder
As the name suggests, mirrorless cameras lack the mirror reflex optical viewfinder that means that the lens can sit nearer to the image sensor. The advantage of this is that both the camera body and the camera lens can be far more compact than what we find in a traditional DSLR. The disadvantage is the lack of an optical viewfinder dictates the need for an electronic means to compose your images, either via an electronic viewfinder (EVF) or simply by the screen on the back of the camera.
So, now we have the first point to consider when choosing between the two systems. First of all I would never suggest that you buy a camera that does not have a viewfinder of some sort (either optical or electronic). Whilst using the rear screen can be useful in some instances, in general it is far easier to compose via a viewfinder and you will find that your posture is far more stable, resulting in less camera shake, as opposed to holding a camera whilst trying to compose on the screen.
As for the actual viewfinder, they both have their advantages. An EVF allows you to almost see your final image before you actually take it. For example, you can gauge if the shot is under or over exposed (especially if you choose to have a live histogram showing whilst shooting) as well as being able to preview any picture styles you may have set (such as monochrome). However, you are essentially looking at a small display screen and over periods of extended use it may lead to eye strain (depending on your eyes of course). Another point to consider (although not such an issue with later cameras) is that if you are shooting in poor light, you may find that you have a time lag in the actual display, but at least you will be able to still see your subject (which isn’t always possible with an optical viewfinder). In contrast, the optical viewfinder does not require any electronic parts and as such will always pretty much let you see what is before you – although you will probably see more through an EVF if the light is particularly dim! Also, the optical viewfinder does not require any power to operate.
Battery Life
Battery life is also a major consideration when choosing a system. Mirrorless cameras by design are generally a lot smaller than a DSLR, meaning there is less room for a battery. So, their batteries are also smaller which means that they hold less charge. However, mirrorless cameras actually require far more power than a DSLR due to the fact that the screen is effectively always on (either in the viewfinder or the rear of the screen). So a camera that uses more power yet has a smaller battery can mean only one thing: poor battery life. As an example, if I am out shooting with my Canon 5DS, I can quite easily get through a day using only one battery. However, if I am shooting with my Fujifilm X-T1, I will probably use at least three batteries. OK, the batteries are small enough but it is still a pain to keep having to swap batteries. This also means more time spent charging batteries after a day’s shooting.
Auto Focus System
Generally in use, the main obvious difference (apart from the EVF) is the auto-focus system. Previously, I have found the AF system of a DSLR to be far more responsive, although I do tend to find the AF system of a mirrorless system to be more accurate. The reality is that if you shoot landscapes (or anything that generally is not moving) then you will find the AF of any mirrorless system is more than adequate. However, nature photographers may find the AF system of a mirrorless can be a bit hesitant. At this point I must stress that the AF systems of the latest mirrorless systems are greatly improving and it probably wont be long before new cameras such as the Fujifilm X-Pro2 can match the performance of the traditional DSLR.
Manual Focus
An interesting thing to know though is that if you prefer manual focusing (or indeed enjoy using old lenses which only offer manual focusing) then a mirrorless system is probably a far better fit for you. The reason behind this is that the majority of mirrorless systems offer a way to assist your manual focusing such as focus peaking and also offer a way to zoom into your image (whilst composing) so that you can accurately see if you have nailed the focus. Believe me that once you have manual focused on a mirrorless system, you will find focusing on a DSLR a slow and inaccurate affair.
In Conclusion
So as you can see from the points above, the choice between using a mirrorless and DSLR really depends on what you photograph and the way that you like to work. You will be pleased to hear though that the one thing you do not need to consider is image quality. The majority of mirrorless systems on the market, when coupled with good glass, can produce images that can equal, or in some cases exceed, virtually any modern DSLR. Image quality really is a non-issue but do please keep in mind that you will have to budget for good glass to achieve these results, and more often than not these lenses can be expensive compared to a DSLR counterpart.
Whichever system you use, you can be assured that they will be able to produce results that we could have only dreamed of 10 years ago. Personally I use both, choosing to use a compact Fujifilm X100T (fixed 35mm – FF equivalent – lens) with a couple of of lens convertors (28mm & 50mm) alongside my Canon 5DS and numerous lenses. The Canon is my workhorse and produces the results that I need whilst my little X100T is the camera that I use for my personal work. The Fuji is always with me and produces shots that I would have missed with the Canon. The Fuji is also a pleasure to use and lets me simply enjoy taking photographs, which surely cannot be a bad thing!
Further Reading: “Canon EOS 5DS – a Landscape Photographer’s Dream?“