8 Famous Landscape Photographers for Inspiration

Stuck for inspiration with your landscape photos? One of the best ways to break through that mental block is to explore the work of famous landscape photographers, gleaning creative inspiration from their images.
For those that have been behind the camera for a while, you may already know a lot of the photographers on this list. However, if you’re just getting started as a landscape photographer then prepare to be amazed!
With this success comes an almost guaranteed venture into full-time photography as a professional. A good place to start, however, is obtaining awards in a photography competition – it is a great way to use such a platform as a launchpad for your work.
Be sure to take a look at what image makes each person’s work stand out, and try to figure out what has secured their place as a famous landscape photographer today.
1. Joe Cornish
A household name in the world of landscape photography, Cornish has been a figure of inspiration for many over the years. His gallery, the Joe Cornish Gallery, located in the north of England plays host to not only his own work but that of many other great photographers.
Website: www.joecornishgallery.co.uk
2. Ansel Adams
You can’t have a list of famous landscape photographers without including Ansel Adams. Adams lived 1902 – 1984, and was famous for his black and white images of the American West. He used his work to promote conservation messages, and it was his images that helped to establish landscape photography in the world of fine art.
Website: www.anseladams.com
3. David Noton
Noton has been a landscape photographer for over 32 years. He has travelled all around the world in search of the perfect landscape picture, and has many of them to prove it.
Website: www.davidnoton.com
4. Ross Hoddinott
Hoddinott, who lives in Devon in the UK, is one of the better known landscape photographers from the UK. His work features a strong portfolio of images taken in the south west, but also features landscapes from further afield. His images have secured countless awards since a young age, and he continues to teach others throughout the year. Hoddinott is also a Nature TTL writer since 2014.
Website: www.rosshoddinott.co.uk
5. Mark Bauer
Long-term friend and colleague of Hoddinott, Bauer is a landscape photographer from Dorset, UK. He has published many books around the world, and has also secured a number of awards for his work. Bauer is also a Nature TTL writer.
Website: www.markbauerphotography.com
6. Sandra Bartocha
Bartocha is a German photographer who has a unique abstract style in her work. Her images have been awarded in major international competitions, and she focuses on the smaller details in a landscape.
Website: www.bartocha-photography.com
7. Frans Lanting
Lanting is a National Geographic photographer and world-renowned creative. Capturing both landscape and wildlife images, he is a famous nature photographer and inspiration for many.
Website: www.lanting.com
8. Chris Burkard
International photographer, speaker, and director, Burkard is a popular name in the landscape photography world. His work feature scenes at both day and night, and he lives in California, USA.
Website: www.chrisburkard.com
Who inspires you?
Where do you draw your inspiration from? Have we missed any famous landscape photographers? Let us know in the comments!