15 Nature Photography Facebook Groups You Should Join

Facebook groups are a great way to (e-)meet people who share the same passion and hobby as you. Below is a list of 15 Nature Photography Facebook groups that you can join to connect with others and share your photos.
First, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of Facebook groups and the best ways to use them to your advantage.
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The benefits of using Facebook Groups
Finding like-minded people
Nature photography is traditionally quite a lonely pursuit. Whilst those moments between photographer and wildlife can be special ones, it can be nice to have others to share those photos and experiences with.
While I’m sure your Facebook friends and Instagram followers enjoy your photos, it is unlikely that they will all truly appreciate the extensive work that went into creating your favourite wildlife images.
Facebook groups, on the other hand, are full of other people who are just as passionate and determined as you are, and who can appreciate how technically difficult that photo must have been to capture.
Advice and discussions
First and foremost, Facebook groups are a great place to ask questions about nature photography. The Nature TTL Community Group regularly has questions from members about gear and techniques which both the admins and other members are happy to help with.
Constructive criticism of a specific photo can also be asked for, which is a brilliant way to gain insight into how your photos are viewed and what you could be focusing on to improve your photography. It’s well worth checking the group rules on this, however. While some groups encourage feedback on all posts, others state that it should only be given on photos where the photographer has explicitly requested it.
Tip: Read the advice that was given in the above post.
More local groups (such as those at a state or county level) may also be useful for finding locations for certain landscapes or species of wildlife that you would like to take photos of.
Please tread carefully when sharing this information, though, and be aware that some species are protected and their location should not be shared. Even if they aren’t protected, it is good practice to only give out the general locations rather than anything too specific so that areas and wildlife are not overwhelmed by an influx of people.
Networking & promotion
You never know who might be looking at your work. Whilst most members will be focused on sharing their own work, there are likely to be a few who are just there to look at the beautiful photos. These are the people who could end up ordering a print from you!
To reduce competition, you could also try posting your photography in non-photography Facebook groups, such as local community or buy and sell Facebook groups. Of course, make sure that things are relevant.
Even if you’re not looking to sell your work at the moment, simply sharing your work with the world is a great habit to get into as it builds your confidence and quickly gives you an idea of how different images make people react.
A better-looking Facebook feed
I imagine you also enjoy looking at nature photos? Joining nature photography Facebook groups will fill your feed with fabulous wildlife images!
This is great for keeping you inspired and making the online world a little bit better.
Keep to the rules
A quick note to make both your life and the lives of admins’ easier: do read the rules of each group you join. A good nature photography Facebook Group will have rules about only posting your own photos, ethical photography practices, and being polite in the comments.
However, there are other points that will vary widely. For example, some groups do not allow promotional posts or posts shared from your own photography page. There can also sometimes be a limit to the number of posts from each person per day, which keeps the group full of variety.
Rules are there to make the experience better for everyone in the group, so read them when you join and double-check them before you post.
Nature photography Facebook Groups
1. Nature TTL | Wildlife and Landscape Photography Group
Nature TTL’s very own Facebook community is a place for Nature TTL readers to share their nature photos, ask questions, and meet other like-minded photographers.
We encourage members to give feedback on shared photos and make this a supportive community. Join us today!
2. UK and Beyond Nature Photography
The aim of this group is to allow members to post nature-related photographs from anywhere in the world.
3. UK Bird, Wildlife and Nature Photography
This is a place to share your wildlife photos and experiences from around the UK, whether you are a photography enthusiast or a holiday snapper.
“Together we hope to make it a wildlife adventure everyone can share, whatever your level of photography”.
4. The British Wildlife Photography Group
This is a friendly group, for all levels of photography from beginners right up to the pros.
“We like seeing all manner of UK wildlife, from the mundane to the WOW! Whatever you like and photograph we’d love to see, so never think that yours aren’t good enough, just get posting and have fun.”
5. North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) Group
The group’s focus is nature photography including, but not limited to, macro, wildlife, landscape and underwater along with discussion of related questions and issues.
6. Birds and Wildlife of North America
“Lets fill the page with your great pics and wonderful stories. This group is for photos of birds and wildlife of North America.”
7. AWPC (Asian Wildlife Photographers Club)
“The best images of wildlife encounters captured by Asian Wildlife Photographers. You can be an amateur photographer or a professional photographer but be sure to share the best images you have captured.”
8. European Nature Photography
Members are invited to post their European nature photos and videos.
“Photos and videos can be of animals, plants or landscapes but they must be wildlife and taken somewhere in Europe.”
9. Bird Photography Australia
This site, as name suggests is dedicated to photography of wild birds in Australia. It “Is open to all levels of experience, we encourage contributions from professionals and amateurs.”
10. Australian Landscape Photographers (ALP)
This group showcases the work of Australian landscape photographers.
11. South African Wildlife Photographers
This group is for South African wildlife photographers. “Post your photo’s, interesting sighting photos, links to your websites.”
12. African Wildlife Photography
A group of people who all share the love of wildlife that Africa has to offer.
13. Wildlife & Nature Photographers of UAE
This group is specifically for professional and amateur photographers of the United Arab Emirates.
14. Crap Bird Photography
There’s really nowhere else you’re going to share these shots! “Crap bird photography is dedicated to those photos that aren’t up to scratch.”
If you’re looking for a laugh, I highly recommend this group.
15. Women in Wildlife
Where are all the female nature photographers? A lot of them are in here! And they’re awesome.
“A group of women dedicated to supporting each other in the field of Wildlife Photography. Photo sharing, questions and discussion are encouraged. All levels and all ages welcome!”
In conclusion
These are just a few of the many Nature Photography Facebook groups out there. Try searching Facebook for your local area and the words “nature photography” (for example, “Dorset Nature Photography”) to see if anything closer comes up.
You can filter your search by groups to make this easier. If one doesn’t exist, why not make your own? It’s easy and free to set up. Add a few standard rules, and if things get busy you can always find some friends or members to help you moderate.
Thanks to the internet, we as photographers can now see not only our competition but also our community. Facebook groups are a great way to stay motivated and help each other with what can at times be quite a lonely pursuit.
I hope this has shown you some of the possibilities that Facebook groups can bring, and please do join us over in the Nature TTL | Wildlife and Landscape Photography Group. We’d love to have you!