Nature TTL Photographer of the Year

Category Winner

‘A Cat and Its Prize’ by Dennis Stogsdill, USA

We had received word about a serval hunting birds along the shore of Lake Ndutu (lower Serengeti) so we raced over to see. Upon arrival, we quickly realised that it was in fact a caracal and not a serval, and it was hunting flamingos that were feeding in the shallows. Within a minute of arrival, the caracal started stalking and eventually was successful (in dramatic fashion) at hunting one of the beautiful but unlucky birds. In this image you see the caracal walking off with its prize.



‘African Elephant Puffing Dust’ by Michael Snedic, Australia

After wallowing in the mud, this majestic African Elephant was walking towards our safari vehicle in the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, Africa. It sucked up some dust in its trunk and before long, it turned its trunk upwards and released a huge puff of dust. My camera was set to continuous shutter and I was clicking away like crazy – an exhilarating moment!


Highly Commended

‘Tickled to Death’ by Dennis Stogsdill, USA

Highly Commended

‘Crowded’ by Bence Mate, Hungary

Highly Commended

‘Leopard Cub Demise’ by Lauren Pretorius, USA