Nature TTL Photographer of the Year

The 2023 competition saw over 8,000 images competing for the title of Nature TTL Photographer of the Year 2023, with photographers submitting images from all around the world.

The Overall Winner took home a £1,250 cash prize, whilst the Young winner secured a £250 camera voucher prize.

Nature TTL Photographer of the Year 2023

Thomas Vijayan, Canada

Austfonna Ice Cap, the world’s third-largest, on Nordaustlandet Island in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago, covers about 8,000 square kilometres. It is melting at alarming rates due to global warming and contributing to rising sea levels; a grave concern. I visited Austfonna Ice Cap and captured a striking image of a waterfall created by the melting ice. Although I had been here before, it was disheartening to see the sea ice had melted in June.

Young Nature TTL Photographer of the Year 2023

Lucy Monckton, United Kingdom

On a walk in Staffordshire, UK, I was alerted to the presence of this swarm by a loud buzzing sound. I cautiously walked into the centre of the swarm, where thousands of bees were crawling over a branch. It was important to remain calm, so while I was apprehensive about having hundreds of bees crawling over me, their well-being was my priority. Relocation is a natural process that occurs when a colony becomes too big for its home; the queen leaves with a few of the bees to find another home.

Wild Portraits

WINNER – Simon Biddie, United Kingdom

Compared to their female counterparts, male California sea lions are larger, have thicker necks, and possess a protruding, grey sagittal crest. During mating seasons, the males become territorial and protect their harem of up to 30 females. This male allowed us to stay with the group for a long period and was more curious about us than territorial. The sea lions in this area have expanded in number compared to other colonies in Mexico. This is thanks to the protection offered by being a UNESCO World Heritage site and a National Marine Park, where the no-take zone protects the entire food chain, providing a rich food source for the sea lions.

RUNNER-UP – Robert Gloeckner, USA

A Great blue heron fades away in the green light on the coast of Florida. The green light is actually the reflection of the traffic light in the water. With decreasing natural habitat, the Great blue herons often interfere with humans, especially fishermen, to get an easy meal. Purposefully, I focused on the green background of the bird and used intentional camera movement to give this image a fading perspective.



Animal Behaviour

WINNER – Florian Ledoux, France

We witnessed a polar bear’s patience during a sleepy hunt on the ice in Svalbard’s frozen expanse. This male polar bear stalked seals at their breathing holes. After they evaded him, he opted to rest, vigilant and patient. As we endured the long Arctic day of 24 hours without sleeping, we eventually retreated, in awe of his resilience. In this Arctic symphony of survival, the polar bear’s unwavering determination left an indelible mark on our souls.

RUNNER-UP – Jane Hope, United Kingdom

In spring, the cute-looking Robin as seen on our Christmas cards becomes an aggressive defender of territory and breeding rights. In April 2021, I witnessed these two robins playing out their battles in front of me. The conditions were challenging for photography – there was sun and snow on the ground, but the action took place in the shadow of the hide, so the ISO ended up pretty high, and exposure compensation was needed.



HIGHLY COMMENDED – Paul Lennart Schmid

Camera Traps

WINNER – Fernando Constantino Martínez Belmar, Mexico

This jaguar had been seen before, so I decided to place a camera trap in a broken wall that led to the jungle. I placed one of the flashes strategically to get the jaguar’s shadow reflected on the wall behind. Poaching, deforestation, and habitat fragmentation have caused an increase in interactions with humans, and most of the time, it doesn’t end well for these cats.

RUNNER-UP – Igor Mikula, Slovakia

The next generation of the common blackbird lives in the bathroom window at my friend’s cottage. I watched their behaviour for many hours, and the presence of my camera did not bother them, even when feeding. No bait was used; I took the photo here using a remote trigger.


HIGHLY COMMENDED – Tibor Litauszki



WINNER – Thomas Vijayan, Canada

Austfonna Ice Cap, the world’s third-largest, on Nordaustlandet Island in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago, covers about 8,000 square kilometres. It is melting at alarming rates due to global warming and contributing to rising sea levels; a grave concern. I visited Austfonna Ice Cap and captured a striking image of a waterfall created by the melting ice. Although I had been here before, it was disheartening to see the sea ice had melted in June.

RUNNER-UP – Florian Smit, Germany

Using a drone to gain a unique perspective, I captured this image of a trickle from the Rio Tinto River in Spain.



HIGHLY COMMENDED – Bernhard Schubert

Small World

WINNER – Florian Smit, Germany

This image was captured in Rondane National Park in Norway. It shows a dead moth lying on the surface of a bacterial film. As I looked through the viewfinder, it looked like a painting to me.

RUNNER-UP – Yicai Chang, Australia

I found a colony of carpenter ants in the Black Mountain Nature Reserve in Canberra. I spent several weekends observing their behaviour. During a return visit, I noticed that they kept shuttling among the leaves of a grass tree, as if they were searching for a new food source. When a carpenter ant climbed onto one of the leaves, a simple but miraculous scene came into view. The ant, the leaves, and the focal plane seemed to be frozen in a fraction of time. This perfectly aligned with the theme I had longed to express: the connection between nature and the universe. Without any hesitation, I grabbed my camera to capture this moment forever.



HIGHLY COMMENDED – Bernhard Schubert


WINNER – Rowan Dear, United Kingdom

Over the last few years, I have witnessed a large gathering of Jelly Blubber in Sydney around March to April when the wind and currents are right to bring them from further up North. This year, we had 2-3 times more than I had ever seen. One area had a large condensed gathering, which extended down by around 5m deep. From the surface, shooting downwards, it was great to get a real depth perception of how many there were and create this alien-like environment.

RUNNER-UP – Andy Schmid, Switzerland

Every winter, enormous schools of herring migrate from the open ocean into the fjords of Northern Norway and attract large numbers of big predators, such as orcas and humpback whales. Witnessing orcas feeding on herring using the so-called carousel feeding technique is very exciting but not easy to capture due to various factors: limited light and visibility, fast-paced action, plus cold surface and water temperature. Being able to freedive and capture the action in an ongoing feeding frenzy in these conditions is difficult, but I managed to capture this female orca splitting a herring bait ball.


HIGHLY COMMENDED – Mike Korostelev


The Night Sky

WINNER – Bence Mate, Hungary

I keep searching for new perspectives on photographing wildlife. This picture was taken with a remote-controlled camera placed into a fish tank. It was lucky that the wild boar stayed unmoved for the moment the picture was taken. In Hungary, where this composition was captured, the Milky Way is very rarely low enough in the sky to touch the horizon, and this phenomenon occurs only for a few days in the month of August.

RUNNER-UP – Josselin Cornou, France

This photo captures a moment of pure awe and wonder, one of my most challenging shots to date. It’s incredibly rare to witness auroras from this Icelandic waterfall cave, as they are typically visible to the north or overhead. The stars aligned with clear weather and a G1/G2 forecast. After waiting for three hours in the cold, at 3:00 am, the auroras shifted south, putting on a breathtaking display. I quickly took photos to capture the moment, using a 14mm lens with two exposures (0.6s, f1.8, ISO 6400 for the auroras & ~20s, f1.8, ISO 1250 for the cave at EV-1) to ensure noiseless shadows. Fifteen minutes later, the auroras moved north again.


HIGHLY COMMENDED – Josselin Cornou

Urban Wildlife

WINNER – Florian Smit, Germany

This image shows a brown rat in an abandoned house captured back in 2018. I used three flashes to illuminate the scene, and used a PIR motion sensor to trigger the camera.

RUNNER-UP – Simone Baumeister, Germany

I really wanted to do some photography one evening, but without light, this is always difficult. So, I went to a pedestrian bridge that offered a direct view of one of the main traffic intersections in our city. There were many spiders on the railing of this bridge. Using an old analogue lens, I photographed a spider in front of the colourful lights of the city intersection with the many cars.



HIGHLY COMMENDED – Antonio Aguilera Galisteo

Youth Award

WINNER – Lucy Monckton, United Kingdom

On a walk in Staffordshire, UK, I was alerted to the presence of this swarm by a loud buzzing sound. I cautiously walked into the centre of the swarm, where thousands of bees were crawling over a branch. It was important to remain calm, so while I was apprehensive about having hundreds of bees crawling over me, their well-being was my priority. Relocation is a natural process that occurs when a colony becomes too big for its home; the queen leaves with a few of the bees to find another home.


RUNNER-UP – Ákos Őrsi, Hungary

We were bird-ringing with my friends during our winter school break. In the setting sun, I spotted these deer on top of a small hill. They were quite far away, but I managed to create a nice composition.