Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that the competition receives. If your question is not answered here, you can always get in touch with us. However, please read through our FAQ before sending a message to the team.

What information should I include in my caption?

Captions should be as detailed as possible and include information about the image such as: the story, how you got the shot, any special techniques needed, and (where applicable) any required permissions obtained for taking the photo.

What are the size requirements for entering an image?

Please upload images at a maximum of 2000px longest side, 2MB maximum file size, and JPEG format. We have no colour space requirements, but typically sRGB is a good choice.

Can I watermark my photos and submit them?

We ask you to upload images that are not watermarked, as it is better for the judging process. Should you be successful, we require original files and high resolution, unwatermarked images anyway.

If you don’t know how to compress an image easily, please read our instructions here.

When are the winners announced?

Winners will be unveiled in Summer 2025, although the dates for this are still being confirmed. If you are on our newsletter, we’ll be in touch.

Can I enter photos that are entered into, or awarded, in other competitions?

Yes, there is no requirement for images to be solely for our competition.

However, images that have yet to have major competition coverage stand the greatest chance of creating an impact with the judges since they will not have seen them before.

I can only enter the youth competition, and can’t find the adult contest?

This happens if you have accidentally registered for the Youth contest. You can switch your account type by hovering over your name in the top right of the screen, and editing your profile.