7 Simple Tips to Transform Your Landscape Photos

Although landscape photography is hugely popular, composing the perfect shot can be trickier than you think. But this short video from photographer Nigel Danson makes the art of composition a breeze, in just 7 simple steps.

Opening with a wintry introduction by Danson, he then heads to the studio to lead us through how to craft a picture-perfect composition and make the most of your landscapes.

“Getting composition right is really important,” states Danson, “but it’s actually one of the things that most people struggle with the most.”

He then stresses the classic scenario – you return from an exhausting shoot and uploaded the photos to Lightroom, only to realise the composition isn’t quite what you thought it was on the LCD.

So using the 7 easy tips explained within the video, you can ensure that you get everything right in its place whilst out in the field – avoiding any Lightroom-induced headaches later on!

For a fully-fledged explanation of the tips alongside eye-catching examples of Danson’s work, make sure to watch the video and master your composition – or check out our quick breakdown below:

  1. Looking for a Composition – Danson teaches his personal acronym FLICS: Focus, Light, Interest Corners, and Simplicity.
  2. Search for Patterns – Patterns in the landscape can guide the viewer’s vision whilst creating beautifully simple imagery.
  3. Lines and Shapes – Natural lines and shapes can subtly lead the viewer through your photo.
  4. Move from 3D to 2D – Take the 3D image of your experience and translate it to a 2D photo using textures and elements of the landscape.
  5. Tell a Story – Don’t underestimate the power of story about when you were experiencing the landscape.
  6. Negative Space – Negative space gives the opportunity for contrast whilst allowing viewers to rest their eyes.
  7. Remove Distractions – Don’t be afraid to remove distractions, possible through cropping or camera settings.

For more of Danson’s work visit his channel, website, and Instagram.

Once you’ve got the 7 composition tips mastered, check out our 7 Challenges All Landscape Photographers Must Overcome.


Ed Carr is a Yorkshire-born landscape photographer and nature writer. Having spent his youth in the North Yorkshire Moors National Park, he takes any opportunity to don his hiking boots and head out, camera in hand. When not out taking pictures or hastily scribbling down his thoughts, Ed’s halfway up a hill out chasing after his dog, Hendrix.