Weekly Photography Assignment: Spring

Each week we’ll be giving you a theme that you can submit a photo for, and we’ll choose our two favourites to be featured on the Nature TTL website. Participating in these assignments will be a great way for you to force yourself to push the boundaries of your photography and improve together as a community on the website.
Week 78: Spring
Our theme this week is Spring. The season is well underway in the northern hemisphere, and we even had a bit of a heatwave recently in the UK (shock, I know). It’s time to get out and enjoy all things news – this week you’ll find yourself photographing flowers, lambs, baby animals, or something else that I have completely forgotten to list!
Here are some tips for you:
- How to Photograph Frogs and Toads in Water
- Ideas for Photographing Wildflowers
- How to Photograph Dragonflies and Damselflies
Submit Your Photo
To enter your photo to this assignment, add it in the comments below this post. By submitting your photo, you are giving us permission to feature your photo the following week if it is chosen as one of our favourites.
Here are some guidelines to keep things running smoothly:
- Photos must be your own work
- Please enter no more than 3 photos per week
- Please only enter photos taken within the week of the assignment
- Include a description with your photo and tell us a bit about it!
You have until next Tuesday, 8th May, to submit your photo.
Last Week’s Favourite
Here’s our favourite entry from last week’s assignment, Clouds. You can view all of the entries here.
Photographing in stormy conditions is definitely tough. When the weather is bad, photographers tend not to want to go outside! However, Char’s photo adheres to our theme of Clouds very well and shows off the sky, rather than the coastline being the dominant feature. The dark clouds make for a very ominous photo, with highlights in the foreground stopping it falling into too much darkness. The slow shutter speed brings out the movement in the sea, but is not too slow to make it seem milky smooth; that wouldn’t suit the storm clouds. Great shot!
Images embedded from 500px.com